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*Next iMac?* - Must Haves!

*Next iMac?* - Must Haves!

First Time Buyer? Looking At Your Next iMac? This is what you should look for.

Must Have #1:

The single most important thing your next iMac should have is an SSD. A super fast Solid-State Drive, typically available as a very expensive upgrade option when purchasing new (512GB SSD Configuration on the 2017 21.5-inch was over £350!) and rightfully so - it makes the iMacs run much much faster and you'll find they don't slow down over time unlike their Hard-Drive / Fusion Drive counterparts.

Good news nowadays SSDs are very cost effective now so fitting & configuring an iMac with one now is significantly cheaper than before.

Fun Fact: We only stock the best iMacs on our website and you'll only find iMacs with Solid-State Drives on our website.


1 comment on *Next iMac?* - Must Haves!
  • McDdd

    So right! I don’t know what came over me: when I saw the deal on Amazon £335 for a 2017 21.5-inch iMac Retina 4K, Quad-Core i5, (with a Fusion drive, which they don’t make very clear on their site) I knew I wouldn’t find anything any better. Problem is, I’m human, and we’re greedy: rather than just relaxing into the idea of what a good machine I could get (I’ve always wanted an iMac and always settled for a cheaper alternative.) for so little money, the little monkey in my head started making chimp noises, ‘O-o, how can I get a better deal?!’ Well, sometimes you can’t and it’s best just to slap the chimp down and focus on just how big a bang you’re getting for your buck. Sometimes, you really do just happen across the best bang for your buck, and it’s best to recognise it when it jumps up to bite you in the arse. I reckon this is the best example of such an instance I’ve seen in a long time.

    December 03, 2024
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